Talent Development
Leadership determines the destiny of any organization. Therefore, every organization needs leaders who can drive the organization with skill, agility and insight, and who navigate well under both calm and tumultuous conditions.
On the other hand, a company that fails to attract and retain top talent is heading for trouble. Those organizations that seem unable to recruit promising leadership – or those who experience the loss of several key players – can benefit greatly from a targeted intervention in this area.
But, every executive knows that leadership development efforts can be time-consuming and expensive.
That’s why, at Kipp & Associates, we believe a successful talent development intervention should generate both business results and a stronger managerial bench, not just one or the other.
Our general strategy is to:
- Target growth initiatives or infrastructure impediments to growth
- Confront and address the limits to growth within the executive team
- Identify high-potential talent from within
- Develop a talent pipeline sufficient to achieve growth aspirations
- Broadly deploy business, financial and managerial acumen
It Works.
The good news is that, after 40 years of practice, we know that these projects can produce big results.
A top-50 bank holding company aspired to grow at a 4x multiple of U.S. Gross National Product (GNP) but lacked managerial depth . Kipp & Associates designed and conducted leader development program by giving innovative stretch assignments to its next-generation leaders. Revenues and margins for these initiatives rivaled that of core lines within 36 months.
One of the assignments accounted for 40% of new business by the third year.